FID or radio frequency identification technology was born as an evolution of the bar code to speed up the exchange of information by using radio waves.


In fact, this system arose due to the difficulty of quickly reading bar codes in motion or in conditions that prevent a direct view between the reader and the label. In the logistics field, for example, it is useful for companies that require more agility in the input and output of orders from the warehouse.

The RFID system is a technology that aims to identify and record data. In fact, the system is based on the use of smart tags or RFID tags, which are radio transponders (i.e., when they receive a signal, they respond with another signal). These tags contain product information that can be read throughout the logistics chain. In this way, we can more easily track the merchandise and know important aspects about it (origin, destination, expiration date, etc.).


What is the main innovation compared to barcodes? A direct line of sight between the label and the reader is not required, it is enough to be close to the reader to read the label.

Why should I consider an RFID system?

The RFID system provides multiple advantages in warehouse operations. These are its main benefits:


  • It identifies and locates merchandise faster, as it eliminates the need for a direct line of sight between the reader and the tag.
  • It allows much greater control over product traceability than its predecessor thanks to greater accuracy and ease of use. In fact, a study shows that companies that implement RFID reduce their out-of-stocks by 16%.
  • It ensures minimal human intervention in the tag reading process, in addition to reducing the flow of personnel movements within the warehouse.
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